List of Dental Treatments:

Cosmetic Dentistry

Porcelain Crowns

Crowns cover or "cap" a tooth to restore the normal function and appearance of the tooth. Crowns may be made of different materials such as all metal, porcelain fused to metal or all ceramic (porcelain). Crowns are indicated for teeth with very large fillings, teeth that have had a root canal, fractured teeth and misshapen and/or discolored teeth.

Dental Bridges

To replace a missing tooth with a bridge, at least one tooth on either side of the space created by the missing tooth must be prepared for a crown. Then a false tooth is joined to the crowns, and the entire structure is cemented to the prepared teeth

Inlays and Onlays

Custom, hand crafted tooth colored restorations to replace large fillings on back teeth. Depending on their size they are called onlays or inlays. They protect the tooth similarly as a crown, but conserve more natural tooth structure.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are used to change the shape and color of your teeth. They are thin, semi-translucent, shells that are permanently bonded to your tooth. Veneers are resistant to staining and may eliminate your need for orthodontic treatment. Common problems veneers can be used for include: spaces between the teeth, broken or chipped teeth, stained and discolored teeth and crooked or misshapen teeth. Your new smile may be created in only two office visits.

Teeth Whitening

Regardless of how well you care for your teeth, it is inevitable that, over time, your teeth will discolor. Teeth darkening over time occurs for a variety of reasons including food and beverages consumed (such as berries, coffee, tea, red wine and soda), tobacco use, and childhood mediations and/or illnesses. To combat tooth discoloration, we use the latest in bleaching technology, to provide a variety of options to create a bright, white smile!

Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)

Performed when tooth has becomes decayed or infected. During a root canal procedure, the tooth is cleaned from the inside and sealed. In order for teeth to remain alive and healthy, each tooth is supplied by nerves and nutrients through a chamber called the root canal. If a tooth is decayed or cracked, it is overly susceptible to infection. As decay spreads downward and into a decayed tooth, the decay encroaches on the pulp chamber of that tooth, which contains the nerve. This is often what leads to a toothache. In order remove all of the decay from the tooth, sometimes it is necessary to remove the nerve of the tooth entirely, and replace the empty canal with a root canal filling.

Dental Implants

Replacement of single or multiple teeth with titanium-based implants. An implant is a surgical procedure that places a titanium screw into the jawbone in the area of missing teeth. This titanium screw fuses with the jawbone over the course of a few months. Once the fusion has taken place, a crown can be fabricated that will rest and be supported by the screw. Bone grafts are required if the support in your jawbone is not adequate.

Laser Treatments

What is a laser and how does it work?

A laser is an instrument that produces a very narrow, intense beam of light energy. When laser light comes in contact with tissue, it causes a reaction. The light produced by the laser can remove or shape tissue.

Are lasers used in dentistry?

Yes, lasers can be used as a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of dental procedures and are often used in conjunction with other dental instruments.

Dental lasers are used for a variety of treatment procedures. Depending on your treatment needs, lasers are used for surgery, some to cure restorative materials and enhance tooth bleaching, and others to remove tooth structure for elimination of disease and restoration.

With laser surgery, there is a reduced need for local anesthesia, bleeding is minimized, swelling is controlled, and there is usually little, if any, postoperative discomfort.

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) can be used for:

  • Periodontics

  • Endodontics

  • Oral Surgery

  • Implantology

  • Desensitization

  • Laser-bleaching

  • Wound healing

  • Pain therapy

Oral Hygiene | Scaling | Polishing

Scaling is used to remove the hard tartar on your teeth, which cannot be removed by simply brushing your teeth. The polishing stage helps to clean away stains from your teeth, which may have been caused by coffee, tea or red wine. For stubborn stains, you require something more than polishing.

Scaling and Root Planing:

  • With an excess of plaque and calculus build-up, it is recommended to have Scaling and Root Planing procedure (also called a deep cleaning).

  • Most patients receive an adult prophylaxis which is a normal cleaning twice a year.

Bad Breath

  • Bad breath is caused by gases given off by bad bacteria involved in gum disease.

  • Causes of bad breath in the mouth:

    • Poor oral hygiene

    • Gingivitis / Periodontitis

    • Poor fitting crowns, poor designed bridgework and pontics

    • Cracked, leaking and over hanging fillings

    • Poorly cleaned dentures

    • Other causes can include food, drink, fasting, smoking, and general morning mouth.

Oral Hygiene Education

    • Proper oral hygiene is vital in maintaining your teeth and healthy gums. The best way to prevent cavities and gum disease is by properly brushing and flossing daily.

How to brush

    • Position a soft bristle toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to where your gums and teeth meet. Gently move the toothbrush in a circular motion several times over each tooth using small, gentle strokes. Light pressure should be used, but never so much as to cause discomfort. Do this on the outside and inside surfaces of both the upper and lower teeth.

    • To clean the biting or chewing surfaces of the teeth, use short, gentle strokes watching in the mirror that you are cleaning each and every surface. Rinse vigorously after brushing to remove any loosened plaque from your mouth.

How to Floss

    • Use a piece of floss approximately 18 inches long. Waxed floss is generally easier to pass between your teeth. Lightly wrap most of the length of floss around the middle finger of one hand and wrap the remaining floss on the middle finger of the other hand. Hold the floss tightly between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. Gently insert the floss between the teeth using a back and forth motion. Do not force or snap the floss into place. Gently bring the floss to the gum line then curve the floss into a C-shape in order to “hug” the tooth. Slide the floss into the space below the gum next to the tooth until you feel light resistance and move the floss up and down the side of the tooth multiple times. Remember, the adjacent tooth also needs to be cleaned, so switch the direction of the C and clean the other side. As the floss become soiled, turn the floss from one hand to the other in order to get a clean piece.

    • Do not be alarmed if for the first week of flossing, your gums bleed or are even a little sore. As you continue to floss daily and remove the plaque your gums will strengthen and heal and the bleeding should stop. If bleeding and pain continues, please contact the office.

    • If you have any questions regarding proper brushing and flossing techniques, please call the office and we will be happy to help.

Braces | Orthodontics | Invisalign

Orthodontic Braces help to straighten and align your teeth for better function, speech and a brighter smile. Now with Invisalign, the clear aligners are virtually invisible, so people may not even notice you're wearing them.


  • invisalign treatment is the clear alternative to metal braces for kids, teens, and adults. invisalign are orthodontic devices that are a transparent, plastic form of dental braces used to adjust teeth.

Conventional braces

  • Metal braces are the most widely used system of straightening teeth. Small metal brackets are bonded to the tooth with a wire passing through them. The wire is usually held tightly to the brackets with small elastic o-shaped rubber bands. The rubber bands can be metal colored or colorful.

  • Regular cleaning is also essential for effective treatment and desirable results.

Self-ligating braces

  • One of the most significant differences from conventional dental braces is the absence of rubber bands. The self-ligating braces uses a slide mechanism to hold the archwire, thus reducing the amount of pressure exerted on the teeth.

Dentures | Prosthetics

  • Prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity.

  • Dentures are false teeth made to replace teeth you have lost. Dentures can be complete or partial. Complete dentures cover your entire upper or lower jaw. Partials replace one or a few teeth.

  • Advances in dentistry have made many improvements in dentures. They are more natural looking and comfortable than they used to be. But they still may feel strange at first. In the beginning, you may need to see your dentist to make sure the dentures fit. Over time, your mouth and jaw bone will change and you may need to replace your denture.

  • Speaking and eating may feel different with dentures. When wearing dentures you may find it harder to feel hot and cold food and liquids.

  • Periodontal disease, decay or injury can result in a loss of all of your natural teeth. Complete dentures can be made to restore your both your smile and function. Dentures can gain additional stability and won’t slide around when used in conjunction with dental implants.

Composite Restorations (Fillings)

Tooth coloured fillings

  • Tooth-coloured restorations to fill up cavities and restore your teeth for a better smile.

  • Replacing missing tooth structure due to caries or an existing old silver filling with a beautiful tooth colored restoration.

Amalgam fillings

  • Amalgam is an alloy of mercury with various metals used for dental fillings. Amalgam became the dental restorative material of choice due to its low cost, ease of application, strength, and durability.

  • Recently however, its popularity has diminished somewhat. Concern for aesthetics, environmental pollution, health, and the availability of improved, reliable, composite materials have all contributed. In particular, concerns about the toxicity of mercury have made its use increasingly controversial.

Composite Veneers

  • Conservative alternative to porcelain, made from translucent resin that is carefully sculpted and hardened by your dentist in a single appointment.

  • Direct composite veneers. Direct composite veneers are veneers made of a composite resin material applied directly to your teeth. It doesn't take very long for a dentist to prepare your teeth for application of the veneers, and the application process is considered minimally invasive.

Digital Dental Imaging

  • Dental Imaging are commonly called X-rays. Dentists use radiographs for many reasons: to find hidden dental structures, malignant or benign masses, bone loss, and cavities.

  • Digital x-ray technologies provide numerous advantages over their film predecessors. Digital radiography systems allow clinicians and patients to instantly view of images on a computer, iPad, or operatory TV screen at a higher resolution than film.

  • Digital files can easily be shared with insurance companies or referral partners, and because they can be stored on a hard drive, they are easier to manage and find.

  • Digital imaging goes beyond just adding efficiencies to the dental imaging process because the latest technologies allow clinicians to capture images and use them in ways impossible with film.

  • Cone beam computed tomography systems create highly accurate 3D digital models of the target anatomy, and digital imaging software allows these images to be enhanced for improved diagnostics and greater precision in treatment planning.

  • Digital imaging technologies are changing the dental industry and improving the lives of dental patients.